LilypieWaiting to adopt Ticker

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Does a stork carry paperwork too ... or just babies?

I think the adoption stork carries babies and paperwork. I think the storks in Africa bring babies "TO" Canada, and then on their return flight, they bring paperwork back to Ethiopia. After all, they have to go back so they may as well make use of the round trip. Why fly back empty handed??!!

So our stork left Ottawa on Friday, December 7!

Yesterday I arrived home to see a FEDEX slip on my door. I had just missed to delivery truck by 5 minutes!! (We probably passed each other on the street.) I was hoping that the parcel was the specially made training wheels that we ordered form Ontario for Kyra's bike. They were supposed to be made in about a weeks time. We sent the money mid-October. We still don't have the training wheels!! But... that's another post.

So this morning I head out to FEDEX to pick up my parcel (hoping that it's the training wheels). When the guy at the counter goes out back to look for my parcel he says, "Will it be a box or an envelope?" Again, thinking it will be the training wheels I say, "I think it should be a box". A few minutes later he comes back through the door and says, "No, it's just an envelope."
SIGH. Now I'm totally deflated... Still NO training wheels!! URRGGHH

However, my disappointment was quickly forgotten when I opened up the envelope and read the cover letter from Kids Link that says, "Re: Dossier to Ethiopia!" (She really typed the exclamation point on the subject line!!) And that was just how I felt, like a big exclamation point. And I instantly think, "REALLY?" And I continue to read the letter and the first line says, "I am happy to inform you that your dossier was sent to Ethiopia today!" Another exclamation mark... Baffled, I think, "It was?". Then quickly I realize, "No, not today. When was the letter written?" I quickly look up to the top of the paper and see the date, "December 7, 2007". OMG, it was sent Friday! When I read the date, December 7, I immediately remember that on December 7, 2004, I was in Portland, Maine with Kyra and my Mom driving through the Maine Mall parking lot when my cell phone rang. It was Daron telling me that our social worker, Marg, had left us a message saying that we were approved by the Province that afternoon to adopt a little girl from China! Wow, Lucky 7 for us, that's for sure.

YIPPEE, we are officially expecting again!!!

Now, if I could just figure out what to do about those training wheels...


Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Great news you guys!!! I love when you recieve good news you weren't expecting! Our file had to be sent to PEI first as PEI requires this and they send it to Ethiopia themselves. Our file will officially be sent to Ethiopia today! YAY!

Here's hoping for quick referrals and quick travel times for all families!


Lisa, Pierre, Marika,Karelle, Yakim, Tarik and Zavier said...

That is soo neat that its the same date !!!

Congratulations on your dossier being sent to Ethiopia !!!!

Looking forward to hearing about your refferal !


Nicky said...

congrats... that's a nice step along the way!

you're now officially expecting!


geminirn said...

Congratulations,how exciting!what a great early Christmas present for you all.

The Mahoney's
saint John,NB

Unknown said...

Yeah! Great news!
Now come on referral!!!