LilypieWaiting to adopt Ticker

Sunday, December 09, 2007

'Tis The Season...

My girlfriend Andi and I are always saying that life is SO crazy at Christmas time. We'd love for our families to be able to get together MORE leading up to the holidays, and yet every year the days of preamble fly by and we hardly get a chance to see each other at all. But, that is the Christmas season!

This year is no different, December started off with a bang! Last Sunday, Kyra was in a little Christmas concert at church and she was very excited for everyone to come and watch her.

Kyra has zero stage fright, but she struggles to get the words out. Most lyrics are too quick for her, so she does a little "Milli- Vanilli" lip- sync. And even though it is a challenge for her to keep up with the pace, she loves to participate. She has great self confidence! The cutest part was at the end of their number, Kyra threw both arms up to the sky and did a little "finish" pose like a rock star. It was hysterical. Our little Celine Dion! She had all of us in stitches!

Lily was jealous of Kyra being able to perform, and kept running up on stage to get into the show as often as she could. She just kept saying "Only for big kids".

This week Lily was quite excited because in Sunday school she got to practice for the little number the preschoolers will be doing next Sunday night at the Christmas Concert. Her Sunday school teacher reads a little story and at the end of each line, the kids do a little action. So tonight after dinner we were practicing. Each time the teacher says "And Baby Jesus was born" the kids clap their hands in excitement. But tonight when I said, "And Baby Jesus was born", instead of clapping on cue, she added,"in China". In Lily's little world, all babies are born in China. I can only imagine what she'll say on stage next week for the concert!

Last Monday night was the New Maryland Toy and Food drive. The snow storm made for a beautiful night to watch Santa come by our house on his sled. He stopped in front of our driveway and got off his sled to wave his magic wand over the girls' heads to say they will have happy days from now until Christmas. It was very cute!

So, after the storm on Monday night, Tuesday was our first Snow Day of the year. The girls had a fun day. First, we all got a little cuddle in since nobody had to be anywhere that morning. Next year will be really squishy with four kids and the dog. I'm thinking we should have definitely got a King size bed when we got married. You know what they say, hind sight is always 20/20!

Then we laughed at Parlee when she came in from outside. There must have been 100 little snowballs on her belly. She has a great time playing out in the snow... the joys of puppyhood! Everything is new and exciting!

When we got up, Lily decided she wanted to play "Horsey" with Kyra. Kyra is always only too happy to oblidge. Check out the Madusa Hair Do. That's our "rocker" Kyra, she wakes up with that every day of life. Thank goodness she has so much hair or she'd be bald by now!

Then it was out to the Bulk Barn for some baking supplies and back to make gingerbread cookies. The girls did a great job and had a ball!

Head Baker

Apprentice Baker

Kyra proudly showing her cookie cutting abilities

Lily couldn't wait any longer to test the fruits of their labour!


Our exhausted little "Betty Crocker"

What better way to end a day of fun than to fall asleep cuddling with Dad.


geminirn said...

Sounds like you are all in the festive mood,isn't it a fun magical time of year,and to see it all through the eyes of a doesn't get much better than that.

Happy holidays to you and your loved ones.

the mahoney's
Saint John,NB

PennyWolfe said...

Way too cute!! I just love the family time that seems to come this time of year!!

Lisa, Pierre, Marika,Karelle, Yakim, Tarik and Zavier said...

Too cute for words !!!
